'Jochen (Hans-Joachim Marseille) was a practical joker; he was forever playing pranks. He came to see me and my squadron - No. 8 Staffel - one day in his colorful Volkswagen jeep. He called it Otto. After a talk, a cup of sweet coffee and a glass of Italian Doppio Kümmel, he got into his jeep and drove it straight at my tent flattening everything. Then he drove off with a grin stretching across his face.' - Werner Schrör, 8/JG 27, 61 Kills in North Africa

Thursday, November 24, 2011

DAK TODAY - My own DAK Diorama - 03

In this stage, I finished the covering with molding paste, then I use small stones before it dry.
Next all is painted with a base of sand color.

Small stones and tyre tracks before dry

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Born: 2.3.1890 in Königsberg
Suicide: 27.3.1945 in Hospital Camp Forrest/Tennesse/USA

  • Hauptmann: 1.6.1924
  • Major: 1.4.1934
  • Oberstleutnant: 1.8.1936
  • Oberst: 3.1.1939
  • Generalmajor: 1.4.1942
  • Generalleutnant: 1.4.1943
Commands and Assignments:
  • Pioneer-Leader of the 8 Armee: 26.10.1939-15.5.1940
  • Pioneer-Leader of the 9 Armee: 15.5.1940-25.10.1942
  • Pioneer-Leader of the Panzer-Armee Afrika: 25.10.1942-13.3.1943
  • General der Pioniere in Heeresgruppe "Afrika" (25.2.1943-9.5.1943)
  • Commander of Division von Manteuffel: 30.4.1943-9.5.1943)
  • General of Pioneers with Heeresgruppe Afrika: 13.3.1943-9.5.1943
  • 1914 Iron Cross Second Class
  • 1914 Iron Cross First Class
  • 1939 Bar to 1914 Iron Cross Second Class
  • 1939 Bar to 1914 Iron Cross First Class
  • German Cross in Silver: 30.11.1942

Campaigns: West (1940); Russia (1941/1942);
North Africa (1942/1943)
Captured in North Africa - American POW (9.5.1943-27.3.1945)

Thanks to Francisco de Asís Romero y Medina
(Adicional info and pictures needed)

DAK TODAY - DelPrado Warrant Officer - Afrikakorps

This is a lead soldier - Warrant Officer from the Afrikakorps 1942 was manufactured by DelPrado in 2000. I found this in a antique exposision in last June. Here goes the pictures (click on images to see it big):

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

DAK TODAY - My own DAK Diorama - 02

Part 02
Then I start to cover the cardboard with modeling paste:

The stairs...

All cardboar is covered with the moulding paste

To be continued...

DAK TODAY - My own DAK Diorama - 01

I start a new diorama.
The ideia was to use some old DAK figures, equipment and vehicles and join them in a new diorama using new technics. Here goes the first steps:

Start to building the ruined desert house in cardboard
A ex NVIDIA Video Card box...

The prototype display

Have the ideia of use a old and bad constructed kit of a Leichter Panzerspähwagen Sdkfz 222 to stay half inside the ruined house

(I dont do this kind of things for almoust 20 years)

Soon I will show the next stage of this diorama.