'When I said that British fighter-bombers had shot up my tanks with 40mm shells, the Reichsmarschall who felt himself touched by this, said: 'That's completely impossible. The Americans only know how to make razor blades.' I replied: 'We could do with some of those razor blades, Herr Reichsmarshall.' - Erwin Rommel


D.A.K. SymbolThe most common symbol used by the Deutsche Afrika korps on their vehicles, crates and ammo boxes was the stylized palm tree/swastika. It was carried on vehicles of the 15. PzDiv. and 21. PzDiv., including tanks, recon vehicles, motorcycles, trucks, etc. There seems to have been very little consistency in its style or application. Some were obviously hand painted, others were applied using stencils or friskets of one kind or another. In the majority of cases it appears in white on a darker background. Size and placement on the vehicles was as varied as the design itself, and seems to have been left up to the individual units.

Afrika Korps Commander
German Army Symbol "BALKENKREUZ" (Beam Cross)
D.A.K. - Deutsches Afrikakorps Symbol


15th Panzer
General Von VaerstPanzer Regiment 8
Schuetzen Regiment 104
Schuetzen Regiment 115
Kradschuetzen Bataillon 15
Artillerie Regiment 33
Aufklaerungs Abteilung 33
Panzerjaeger Abteilung 33
Pionier Bataillon 33
Nachrichten Abteilung 78

21st Panzer
General Von RandowPanzer Regiment 5
Schuetzen Regiment 104
Schuetzen Bataillon I
Schuetzen Bataillon II
Kradschuetzen Bataillon 20
Artillerie Regiment 155
Aufklaerungs Abteilung 3
Panzerjaeger Abteilung 39
Pionier Bataillon 200

90th Leichte
Afrika Division
Leut.General Graf Von Sponek155th Infantry Mot.Regiment
200th Infantry Mot. Regiment
361st Panzergrenadieren Regiment
Sonderverband 288

164th Leichte
Afrika Division
Oberst LungershausenPanzer-Grenadier-Regiment 125
Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment 382
Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment 433
Artillerie-Regiment 220
Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 220
Aufklärungs-Abteilung 220
Pionier-Bataillon 220
Nachrichten-Abteilung 220
Ramcke Fallschirm
Major General RamckeBattalion Kroh
Battalion Huebner
Battalion Burkhardt
Battalion von der Heydte
Artillery Battalion
Artillery Regiment
Anti-tank Company
Signal Company
Pioneer Company


Vehicles Unit
Motorcycle Infantery
Battalion H.Q. VehicleTank Reconnaissance Battalion

1941 - 1942

Feb/41 - Jul/415. Light Div.5. Pz. Rgt.
Ago/41 on21. Pz. Div.5. Pz. Rgt.
Feb/41 - Jul/4115. Pz. Div.8. Pz. Rgt.
Ago/41 - Feb/4215. Pz. Div.8. Pz. Rgt.
Mar/42 on15. Pz. Div.8. Pz. Rgt.
Ago/41 - Feb/42Div. zbV Afrika155. Inf. Rgt. (m)
Mar/42 - Jul/4290. Lt. Afrika Div.155. Inf. Rgt. (m)
Ago/42 on90. Lt. Afrika Div.155. Inf. Rgt. (m)
Ago/42 on164. Lt. Afrika Div.125. Inf. Rgt. (m)
Feb/41 - Jul/41Corps TroopsII/ 115. Art. Rgt.
Ago/41 - Feb/42Corps TroopsII/ 115. Art. Rgt.
Mar/42 - Jul/42Corps TroopsII/ 115. Art. Rgt.
Ago/42 onCorps TroopsPara. Brig. Ramcke

 PERIODUNITS (continuation)
Feb/41 - Jul/41200. zbV Rgt.I/75. Art. Rgt.3. Recon. Btl.39. AT Btl.
Ago/41 on104. Rifle Rgt.155. Art. Rgt.3. Recon. Btl.39. AT Btl.
Feb/41 - Jul/41104. Rifle Rgt.115. Rifle Rgt.15. Mcl. Btl.33. Recon. Btl.
Ago/41 - Feb/42115. Rifle Rgt.200. Rifle Rgt.15. Mcl. Btl.33. Recon. Btl.
Mar/42 on115. Rifle Rgt.33. Recon. Btl.33. AT Btl.33. Art. Rgt.
Ago/41 - Feb/42361. Lt. zbV Rgt.361. Art. Btl.

Mar/42 - Jul/42361. Lt. zbV Rgt.200. Inf. Rgt. (m)361. Art. Rgt.900. Eng. Btl.
Ago/42 on361. Lt. zbV Rgt.200. Inf. Rgt. (m)190. Art. Rgt.900. Eng. Btl.
Ago/42 on382. Inf. Rgt. (m)433. Inf. Rgt. (m)220. Art. Rgt.220. Recon. Btl.
Feb/41 - Jul/41408. Art. Btl.900 Eng. Btl.300. Oasis Btl.
Ago/41 - Feb/42408. Art. Btl.900 Eng. Btl.300. Oasis Btl.135. Flak Rgt.(Lw)
Mar/42 - Jul/42408. Art. Btl.Sp. Group 288612. Flak Btl.135. Flak Rgt.(Lw)
Ago/42 onAfrika Art. Rgt. 1PzGrd. Rgt. Afrika612. Fla Btl.(sp)135. Flak Rgt.(Lw)

Afrika Art. Rgt. 2

PERIODUNITS (continuation)
Feb/41 - Jul/41605. AT Btl.(sp)I/33. Flak Rgt.606. Fla Btl.(sp)200. Eng. Btl.
Ago/41 on200. Eng. Btl.

Feb/41 - Jul/4133. AT Btl.33. Art. Rgt.33. Eng. Btl.
Ago/41 - Feb/4233. AT Btl.33. Art. Rgt.33. Eng. Btl.
Mar/42 on33. Eng. Btl.

Ago/41 - Feb/42

Mar/42 - Jul/42190. AT Btl.580. Recon. Co.

Ago/42 on190. AT Btl.580. Recon. Btl.

Ago/42 on220. AT Btl.220. Eng. Btl.707. IG. Co.(sp)708. IG. Co.(sp)
Feb/41 - Jul/41

Ago/41 - Feb/42605. AT Btl.(sp)606. Fla Btl.(sp)617. Fla Btl.(sp)Sp. Group 288
Mar/42 - Jul/42605. AT Btl.(sp)606. Fla Btl.(sp)617. Fla Btl.(sp)
Ago/42 on605. AT Btl.(sp)606. Fla Btl.(sp)617. Fla Btl.(sp)609. Fla Btl.(sp)
Thanks to João Ricardo from Portugal

A photo of the 5th Leichte Division on the Via Balbia, build by Italians in Lybia before the war. They're going to Marsa el-Brega. Thanks to Jérémy Cozannet