'A Tireless fighter in the cause of the Führer and the Reich' (Rommel) General Von Runstedt

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Picture by courtesy of Nicolas Leste, WebPage: La Fuite


Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross: 27 June 1941, Oberstleutnant, Commander of Panzer Regiment 8 in North Africa.
German Cross in Gold: 5 March 1942, Oberst, Commander of Panzer Regiment 8 in North Africa.
Prussian Iron Cross, 1st Class (1914) with 1939 Bar
Prussian Iron Cross, 2nd Class (1914) with 1939 Bar
Lippe War Honor Cross for Heroic Deeds
Lippe War Merit Cross
Schaumburg-Lippe Cross for Faithful Service
Cross of Honor for Combatants 1914-1918
Armed Forces Long Service Award, 1st Class (25-year Service Cross)
Armed Forces Long Service Award, 3rd Class (12-year Service Medal)
Wound Badge in Silver – World War I award
“AFRIKA” Campaign Cuff

Short Biographie:

Born: 13.07.1896 in Minden / Westfalen
Died: 28.10.1968 in Hausberge

Entered Army in 1914, fought in WW1
Entered WW2 as Oberstleutnant and Commander of the Recon Training

Further assignments in WW2:

22.03.1941 Commander Panzerregiment 8
27.06.1941 decorated with Ritterkreuz
01.10.1941 promoted to Oberst with rank from 01.11.1940
01.04.1942 Chief of Staff of the "General der Schnellen Truppen" in OKH
01.09.1942 acting "General der Schnellen Truppen"
01.11.1942 promoted to Generalmajor
22.01.1943 promoted to Generalleutnant
10.02.1943 placed in reserve
13.03.1943 Commander DAK
01.05.1943 promoted to General der Panzertruppe
16.05.1943 captured in Tunisia
23.05.1944 exchanged, returned to Germany, placed in reserve
20.07.1944 honorably discharged from the Army


General Cramer was released for ill reason in May 1944 by british. Cramer was appointed to the staff of the Oberbefelshaber West in Paris for special duties. He was relief of duty after the events of 20th July, 1944 under suspicion of beeing involved in the plot. Cramer was kept under house arrest but later found unguilty. He was transfered in the Führer-Reserve. (Information by GEORGES M. CROISIER)
Campaigns: North Africa (1941/1942); Russia (1942); North Africa (1943); Normandy (1944)

General Cramer, the last commandant of the Afrika Korps, after the capture by the Allied (colorized picture)
Thanks to Stefan Schlemmer and Francisco de Asís Romero y Medina

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