'Anyone who has to fight, even with the most modern weapons, against an enemy in complete command of the air, fights like a savage against modern European troops, under the same handicaps and with the same chances of success.' - Erwin Rommel

Monday, December 13, 2010


Panzer III Ausf.J of the Panzer-Regiment 8 of the 15th Panzerdivision


Formed on 1 Nov 1940 (from 33rd Infanterie Division).

  • 1941 Apr: arrived in North Africa as part of Deutsches Afrika Korps
  • 1941 - Libya: Tobruk (heavy losses)
  • 1942 - Egypt: Benghazi, Gazala Line, Bir Hacheim, Tobruk
  • 1942 - Egypt : El Alamein (heavy losses), Alam Halfa (heavy losses)
  • 1943 - Tunisia: Medenine, Wadi Zigaou, El Hauma (heavy losses)

Destroyed in Tunisia on 9 May 1943
  • Re-formed as 15th Panzer Grenadier Division in Sicily in July 1943.

Orders of Battle
15th Panzer Division
1941 Libya (North Africa)

  • Panzer Regiment 8
  • Panzer Abteilung I
  • Panzer Abteilung II
  • Schützen-Briade 15
  • Schützen-Regiment 104
  • Schützen-Regiment 105
  • Schuetzen Abteilung I
  • Schuetzen Abteilung II
  • Schuetzen Regiment 115
  • Schuetzen Abteilung I
  • Schuetzen Abteilung II
  • Kradschützen-Bataillon 15
  • Artillerie Regiment 33
  • Artillerie Abteilung I
  • Artillerie Abteilung II
  • Artillerie Abteilung III
  • Aufklaerungs Abteilung 33
  • Panzerjaeger Abteilung 33
  • Pionier Bataillon 33
  • Nachrichten Abteilung 78
  • Versorgungstruppen
  • 1941 Aug - Supplied Schuetzen Regiment 104 to 21st Panzer Division.

    15th Panzer Division
    1943 Tunisia (North Africa)

    • Panzer Regiment 8
    • Panzer Abteilung I
    • Panzer Abteilung II
    • Panzer Grenadier Regiment 155
    • Panzer Grenadier Bataillon I
    • Panzer Grenadier Bataillon II
    • Panzer Grenadier Bataillon II
    • Panzer Artillerie Regiment 33
    • Panzer Artillerie Abteilung I
    • Panzer Artillerie Abteilung II
    • Panzer Aufklaerungs Abteilung 14
    • Heeres Flak Artillerie Abteilung 276
    • Panzerjaeger Abteilung 4
    • Panzer Pionier Bataillon 13
    • Panzer Nachrichten Abteilung 78
    • Panzer Versorgungstruppen

    Picture thanks to Marino Sommaggio - WEBSITE: BUNKER AFRIKANO


    1. Your site is a great resource. I am having difficulty though confirming your OB for 15. Panzerdivision in 1943. What are your sources for the divisional support units.



    2. Hello, thanks.
      M sources are from many books and contributers. I cant remember where I get this in particular because this info have more than 10 years. Before a blog this was a full website, and I have lost many contacts that I have collectad in years. Sorry, but as far I why know this info about the 15º Panzer Division is correct.


    3. Thanks Paulo, I checked a couple of the units:Panzer Aufklaerungs Abteilung 14,Panzerjaeger Abteilung 4 and Panzer Pionier Bataillon 13 were all with the 14. Panzerdivision in 1943. I suspect you might have a transcription error as I do not believe that any units of the 14. fought in North Africa, but were in fact on the eastern front. I am still trying to track down the FLAK battalion.


    4. No problem, I will try to find extra info about it too. Keep in touch.


    5. Hi Paulo , Excellent site very useful .I'm currently working on a 1:6 DAK Kubelwagen which I have converted to a 1941 version . I'm looking for vehicle markings for this originally 90th light inf div. but cant find much on them or the 15th pz div . My figure is as 1941 infantry but can change the insignia.

      Thanks Andy

      1. There is a number 6 on one vehicle in a photo on the turret.

      2. Yes. But the numbers on the turret mean the number of the car, the number of the company and the number of a batalion (from left to right) on any Regiment. 6 = 6 Batalion (we cant see the rest of the numbers)

    6. Great resource, thank you,
      I'm currently playing a WW2 war game which involves building an army in 1/56 scale and I've been really struggling to find a standard position for the brilliant looking symbols even though I have an extensive collection of reference books on ww2 (like an original captain Brown assessment of captured luftwaffe aircraft my prize possession 😊)
      Can you recommend any books or sites on Dak vehicles which perhaps focus on showing pictures of the numbers and symbols to refer and copy from to the models?
      Any hints greatly appreciated as I'm sure you know one tip to an obscure little book (or huge volume with my luck lol) can often save YEARS of endless researching of sites or libraries.

      Keep up the great work please Abdul to you

      1. That should read "good luck to you" but crazy word prediction chose abdul (???)
        Lol at least it sounds north African I guess! Lol how strange

      2. Abdul.. LOL. Thanks for the comment. Well the best source for models are models. Google for dioramas and scale models. With time you may find what are you looking for. DAK is dificult... Best regards and good luck

    7. I found some great info as well as list of awards given to the 15th in the axis history forum web site. I saw your father's name on the list. But not much more information other than that. Best of luck

    8. Hello everyone.

      Please can you tell me if there's possibly any articles, stories and or photographs relating to this unit, if so I'd really like to see them please?

      I would have added a wartime image of Lance Corporal Lorenze Schön, but I couldn't see how to do this.

      You have a great website, and great contributers too, well done to you all.

      I very much look forward to learning a great deal more.

      Unit: Rommels  15th Panzer Div. Heer 115th Regiment,13.Kp.

      Captured Al Elamein 11th May 1943

      Prisoners of War, in American hands.

      Taken from Alger to Camp Mexia, Texas, December 1943.

      Transferred from Camp Mexia to Camp Fort Sam Houston, Texas, February 1944.

      Then as prisoners of war in British hands, detained in camp 23, from May 1946.
