'Long live our sacred Germany' Claus Shenk Graf Von Stauffenberg

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Pictures and documents from Hans Wiedemann, a former Luftwaffe / Afrika Korps member, sent by is son Uwe Wiedemann. Thank you very much Uwe.

Hans Wiedemann, served in the Luftwaffe, primarily with 4./ Ln.Rgt. Afrika, III./Stuka Geschw. 3 and Stab StG3. He also served for a time with Stuka Geschwader 2.

Hans attained the the rank of Obergefreiter in North Africa, later Corporal, and saw active service with the RAD and Luftwaffe for the full duration of the war (1939-45). He served in North Africa between March 1941 and May 1943 as a radio (wireless) operator.

Hans was stationed at various airfields within Libya, Egypt and Tunisia such as Tmimi, Martuba, Derna, Barce, En Nofilia, Agedabia, El Daba, Bir el Abd, El Quasaba, Gabes and Tunis.

In May 1943 he was one of the few lucky ones to be evacuated by air from Tunisia to Sicily. From here he participated in the gradual retreat movements northward through Italy until he finally surrendered to US Infantry in the Dolomites, Northern Italy in May 1945.

Hans still has memoirs of his military service. His trousers, tunic, 2 caps, belt and buckle still reside in his loft along with a souvenir of the enemy - a British-Indian tropical helmet. His Soldbuch and Wehrpasz were both consficated during his internment, however he still has his old memo calenders. The selection of photographs presented here are all that are left after most were lost in a flood that flowed through a wadi at Tmimi in October 1941.

Hans in Tropenuniform Tmimi 41
Luftwaffe Africa-eagle for tunic of Hans
Hans´cuff title earned in Africa
Hans' Urkunde Ärmelband Afrika
Hans´ Italian-German Campaign medal of North Africa
Hans document of the Italian-German campaign medal
Hans War merit cross document
Ju 88 Fernaufklärer am Platz Tmimi Wiedeman
STG3 über Djebel Libya 41


  1. Hier steht er ist 1943 gestorben? http://www.aircrewremembrancesociety.com/luft1943/2/wiedemannhans.html

    und hat dieser hans wiedermann was mit Angela Ghiglino / Nini Wiedemann zu tun? Wie im Buch Al di la delle frontiere?

    1. Hallo, dieser Hans Wiedemann heißt eigentlich Johann Wiedemann; im Deutschen wird Johann oft zu Hans als Rufname. Dieser Johann Hans Wiedemann ist 2007 gestorben. Ob er etwas mit der Person in diesem it. Buch zu tun hat, weiß ich nicht; ich weiß aber, dass er nach Afrika ab Mai 1943 noch bis Mai 1945 in Italien stand.
